One more payment, and it's ours! We will have our own place to live without settling for something and making payments for 30 years. It's cool to be able to say that. The interest involved in a home loan is just not my cuppa tea. This will make it easier to save up to buy a home, or build one...or buy another RV, if we so choose.
Everything is up in the air at this point. We have the freedom to not make any decisions.
We will be able to pay off our truck quickly. We can make needed repairs on the truck and the RV as well. Fix things up as we like them. I want a paint job on the RV (never understood why they come from the factory like that)...though I don't know if Chris will agree...
My Man makes good money and has worked hard to put us in this situation, and I am blessed to be his wife. It's been an adventurous few weeks, but we're used to that. Sometimes it' s hard to believe that I am married to someone who is as crazy and adventurous as me.
So begins my celebration---This weekend is the last payment! Then it's ours!!
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