OK, so we expected a few headaches...but we didn't expect them all at one time! Really, it's just a couple of issues that seem to keep popping up. Just when you think you have the problem diagnosed...it turns out to be a different diagnosis. Our heater and water heater have been giving us fits for the whole month!
Chris has taken cold showers and I have been boiling water to bathe in since a week after we moved in. We have had every part of the water heater checked...and just figured out a couple of nights ago that it isn't parts of the water heater--it's the battery running low! whodathunkit! Everyone that we tell this to is looking at us like we're nuts. No one even suggested that it might have something to do with the 12 volt system.
The heater has been sporadically blowing cold air and freezing us to bits, mostly in the middle of the night. We were hoping that it would at least last until the payday after our last payment (which is TODAY YAAAYY!!), but it gave out on us Thursday night. When the temp was 12. Fahrenheit. Frikkin COLD. In that kind of cold, having blankets and layers doesn't do much good. I used the heating pad for warmth...and it warmed the part of my body that it touched. Nothing else. That cold permeatedmy blankets. I thought having the dogs under the blankets would help....not so much. We all just shivered under the blankets until daytime temps got up past freezing.
Next payday, we will be purchasing a catalytic heater, rather than spending more cash trying to get the one we have working. Catalytic heaters are much more efficient, much quieter, and probably better on the sinuses! LOL.
None of this is really a complaint, mind you. I am OK. We are all OK. I am still happy happy to have my own spot. I am totally thankful for everything that we have. I am thankful that this will be our last payment (in case you had trouble determining this). Just remember that making such a change in living arrangements is not for the faint of heart. You have to be a bit of a tomboy.
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